About Kris
My mission is to identify, teach and activate Starseeds/Lightworkers to their Divine knowing. Those that are seeking a connection to their community, and have an inner knowing that they are here to do something important, will feel the call. Truth is they cannot ignore it. It is their HigherSelf impulsing them to step on to their path and say yes to their true Divinity and Power.
I know this because it was the process I also went through. As a Wayshower, I resisted my calling until my spiritual awakening came in the form of a debilitating autoimmune disorder. This “dark night of the soul” would be the catalyst that would guide me to work with Peruvian shamans, and through an ancient sacred plant medicine practice, recall my ability to channel, heal and usher me on to my path as a Priestess and Lightworker.
I was shown that I am here to activate the Starseeds who are drawn to shift consciousness on this planet and to prepare for the New Earth. My practice has since transformed as I now integrate a blend of psychotherapy, shamanic practices, energy psychology, quantum healing, sound therapy and essential oils to clear all that blocks Starseeds from their Radiant Light within. These blocks come in the form of limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, ancestral and past life residues and are often stored in their subtle energy fields. I am here to activate your higher consciousness, prepare your body to hold Light and to anchor in your luminous Higher Self.
Learning Modules
Ancestral & Past Life Clearing
Kinesiology / Muscle Testing