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Class Descriptions

Writer's picture: Jenn BauerJenn Bauer

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Updated as of April 12, 2023

We’ve received some recent requests for more information about the content of our classes, so I thought it might be good to share this more broadly via a blog to our blog-subscribers. If you, too, have been curious what exactly our classes teach, please take a gander and feel into whether it’s the right path for you.

In addition to these classes below, we have two classes focused on integrating all the learnings together and practicing a full coaching session with peers. We take a few additional breaks for integration and processing of the material scheduled strategically throughout the training.

Opening Ceremony

Ceremonial circle to bring together the students, teachers and energy of the training program. We share intentions and bless the students’ journey.

Staying in the Coaching Lane

Clarifying the differences between Coach, Consultant, Therapist and Mentor. We define what it is to be a Coach, including a deep dive into the role, responsibilities and expectations. We also review the Karpman Drama Triangle and its antidote, The Empowerment Dynamic.

PECSS Coaching Framework™

This class gives an overview of the PECSS Coaching Framework™ and how to identify where clients may be stuck in their Physical, Emotional, Conscious, Subconscious and Spiritual bodies. It’s the framework to help coaches choose which tool from their toolbox might be most useful to use with a client.

Sea Turtle Life Cycle: An Evolving Revolution

With the Sea Turtle Life Cycle as a metaphor for our own human life cycle, we explore the various phases we go through on our life’s journey. Understanding where our clients might be in this journey is another clue as to what tool(s) might be most helpful to use (and almost as important, which ones are NOT appropriate at that phase of a cycle).

Finding Your Original Medicine

Each of us offers a unique medicine to this world that is our privilege and responsibility to bring forward. This class helps you identify what your Original Medicine is…who you are in this world (not what you do). Gail Larsen, author of Transformational Speaking, has licensed her class to INCC for the purpose of supporting our students on this journey.

Washeshu Customs & Teachings

Washeshu tribal nation Elder, Dahlahk “Mountain Eagle” Pahtahlngee, shares his wisdom traditions for Returning to the Heart so that we can be empowered stewards of this precious planet and its inhabitants.

Grounding, Centering & Energy Clearing Practices

Tools to support the Nature Coach-in-Training to maintain clear and clean energy (personally and in the physical spaces they occupy) for doing this great work in this world.

Maintaining Your Sacred Temple

Recognizing our body is a sacred temple, deserving of reverent care. This class teaches how to tend to its health Physically, Emotionally, Consciously, Subconsciously & Spiritually.

Connecting to your Divine "I AM" Presence

Through a crystal singing bowl sound journey, students will learn to connect (and cultivate a relationship) with their Divine Self for direction forward and as a foundation for the future.

Connecting to your Intuitive Gifts

This class provides tools and coaching to help you develop your unique intuitive gifts, however they might show up. This gives a foundation for beginning to build your intuition and expand as you grow.

12 DNA Strands & The Major Energy Centers

Understanding the purpose of each of our 12 DNA strands and how they relate to our physical and subtle bodies, as well as energy centers.

Nature as Teacher

An overview of the traditional Chakra system, each chakra’s respective element and what that energy governs.

Forest Medicine

An integrative approach to traditional forest bathing and its many benefits. This class will also help you develop your intuitive connection to trees.

Morning Altars (1 & 2)

With permission for training and use by its creator, Day Schildkret, these classes dive into the 7-step transformative process of Morning Altars. This creative and deeply reflective process is a gateway to expanded understanding and helps the coach/client identify patterns and areas for self-inquiry.

Shaking: The Most Primal Form of Medicine

Both wild and domesticated animals shake as a way to release and process energy, especially trauma. Humans are conditioned to freeze and store trauma in the body. This class teaches one way of releasing trapped energy in the body through mindful and purposeful shaking.

Primal Awareness

Tools to support clients’ physical health through an understanding of integrative nutrition and its many, intricate layers.

Mind-Body Connection

This class gives a foundation for understanding the interconnection of Mind, Body and Spirit. It provides tools for identifying root causes of physical ailments and disease to then address releasing and realigning health through other INCC tools.

Tapping into the Rhythm of Your Soul

A form of releasing stuck energy through inspired dance and mimicking of wild animals.

Energy Realignment Through Pranayama (1 & 2)

Releasing stuck energy and emotions through active breathwork meditation. This is a somatic healing tool.

Chinese Healing Arts: Nature as Metaphor

Understanding Qi and the connection of Heaven and Earth energies. Teaching the practice of the 5 Element Taoist Standing Meditation.

Basic Ho’ola Loa

An energy realignment and balancing modality working at a cellular level in the physical body (with a focus on the Pineal Gland, Master Cell/Blueprint, Vegas Nerve, Organs, Thymus, T-cells, Endocrine System, Reproductive System, Skeletal System & B-Cells) and across all the subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual & divine).

Animals & Plants as Messengers

Two unique tools for tapping into the wisdom of our subconscious and higher self (True Nature) by way of animal and plant symbolism. It offers an easy and quick way to find a path forward when feeling stuck.

The Mindful Hummingbird

A variety of mindfulness tools and “pocket practices” to settle the Hummingbird Mind and return to mindful presence.

Thought Work: The Work of Byron Katie (3 Classes)

A deep dive into Byron Katie’s transformational practice of self-inquiry. We will teach the process of asking 4 questions and then turning thoughts around.

How to Respect Ancient Wisdom, Leverage Your Heritage, and Navigate Cultural Appropriation

We address what Cultural Appropriation is and why it is important to be mindful of it in the work that we do. We identify ways to leverage your own ancestral lineage as your primary practice, and give credit, respect, honor and acknowledgment of the lineage for any practices that are not.

Applied Kinesiology

How to muscle test for yourself and others, including through surrogate or proxy. Addresses why this can be a helpful tool to use in your coaching and energy work practice.

Healing Plants (1 & 2)

Understanding and connecting with the vibrational energy of plants and their essences. These classes will deepen your relationship with the subconscious while providing an opportunity to create a vibrational connection at the spiritual level with plants.

Crystals & Color Rays

Working with our partners, crystals and color rays, to assist in our healing practicies and energy realignment modalities.

Ancestral & Past Life Clearing

When blocks cannot be tracked to this lifetime’s experiences, we may be carrying them through our ancestry or past lives. This modality teaches two clearing practices -- The Emotion Code and Advanced Integrative Therapy -- for past life and ancestral karma.

Moon, Solstice, Equinox & Eclipse Energy

Understanding the energetic effects of the moon, eclipses, and seasonal cycles, and how to leverage the energy of these to our advantage.

Holding Safe, Sacred Space Without Attachment

A final reminder class focused on what it means to hold safe, sacred space for someone and remain completely detached from outcome. Our job is to allow our client’s journey to be theirs and theirs alone without projecting upon them how we think or believe they “should” be.

Closing Ceremony

A reflection upon our journey together, sharing of insights and transformations, and a celebration of the student’s growth and path. We energetically close out the circle we initially opened at the first ceremony.

In addition to the online classes outlined above, we offer a free* two-day retreat for the students to come together to receive from a few of the teachers. This retreat is valued at $2,000 and includes hosted workshop activities over two days, plus lunches, snacks, drinks, and a goodie bag.

If you break down the cost-per-class (training videos, audios, reading, plus the 90-minute live class), it comes to $222 (or less than $150/hour of live class). This doesn't even take into account the free two-day retreat as a bonus. Some of our students compare that to the rate they pay for their own therapy or coaching and it's an easy "yes" when they know they're going to reap the same (or more!) reward.

Our registration closes on September 7, so don’t miss out on this opportunity for your own personal growth and skills development! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 20!

Feel free to schedule a one-on-one chat to explore what this training journey might mean for you!

*Transportation, lodging accommodations and breakfast/dinner meals are not included.

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